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英國前保守黨領袖史密斯(Iain Duncan Smith)。(法新社)
2021/03/26 11:31
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕中國政府迫害新疆維吾爾族引起國際撻伐,美、英、歐盟對中國相關施壓人士實施制裁,中國則採取報復性制裁,受中國制裁人士包括英國前保守黨領袖史密斯(Iain Duncan Smith),史密斯今天在推特回嗆中國。
It’s our duty to call out the Chinese Govt’s human rights abuse in #HongKong & the genocide of the #Uyghurs. Those of us who live free lives under the rule of law must speak for those who have no voice. If that brings the anger of China down on me, I’ll wear that badge of honour. pic.twitter.com/kLqgd6Krpy
— Iain Duncan Smith MP (@MPIainDS) March 26, 2021