英國公布 BN(O) 最新申請指引,容許在一定情況下,父母其中一人先前往英國,另一人再攜同子女稍後赴英。指引亦說明,若 BN(O) 申請人在取得 BN(O) 簽證後認識新伴侶,該名伴侶亦可申請前往英國。
惟居英滿 5 年後申請定居時,BN(O) 護照持有人則須與其受養配偶及子女一同獲得定居資格。由於居英 5 年的條件是按個別申請人計算,若主申請人子女或配偶選擇稍後來到英國,這或意味主申請人或須另外申請延長居留資格,直至其家人全部居英滿 5 年。(指引原文詳看文末)
新指引於 4 月 9 日發布,指 BN(O) 簽證主申請人(即 BN(O) 護照持有人)的配偶及 18 歲以下子女,可與主申請人分開申請 BN(O) 簽證 (It is permissible for the BN(O) status holder’s spouse or partner and dependent child under 18 to apply for the Hong Kong BN(O) route separately from the lead applicant.)。此外,若 BN(O) 簽證申請人在獲批出 BN(O) 簽證後,認識新伴侶,該伴侶若滿足配偶的簽證資格,亦可以前往英國。指引表明,現時制度接受部份申請人或希望一家人分開申請簽證,以讓其中一名家長先到英國,另一家長再稍後帶同子女來英。
然而,若 BN(O) 身分持有人獲批出入境許可或准許留英後,其家人或已成年受養人家屬才作申請,那申請應當被拒絕。
至於居英滿 5 年後申請定居身分時,BN(O) 的子女則須與父母其中一方一同獲得定居資格;沒持有 BN(O) 的配偶,亦須與主申請人一同獲得定居資格。由於居英 5 年的條件是按個別申請人計算,如果主申請人的子女或配偶選擇稍後來到英國,這或意味先來英國的家長或須另外申請延長居留資格,直至其家人全部居英滿 5 年。
英國港人團體「英國港僑協會 (Hongkongers in Britain)」向《立場新聞》回應新指引表示,英國政府原則上仍傾向 BN(O) 公民與受養情侶、配偶或家庭兩日內一併申請並且前往英國。然而, 鑑於有港人家庭申請簽證時遇着不同狀況,英國政府在執行政策上進行微調,讓其更符合人性,惟仍以「促進團聚」而非「鼓勵離散」作為初衷。協會建議港人必須以實際需要出發,不要隨意試探及逾越。
根據更新前的 1 月 31 日英國公布指引,若 BN(O)申請人已獲留英資格,而其任何家人在其後申請,均應被拒絕。
去年年底曾有傳媒報道,BN(O) 留英方案容許「太空人計劃」,惟直至新指引公佈前,英方一直未有發表有關消息。《蘋果日報》專欄八方析時務曾指,英方可能是因不希望也不鼓勵家庭因移民而分開,故「不便說明有關方案」。
有關家人分開申請 BN(O) 簽證的最新指引原文(節錄)
Applying together
BN(O) status holders and relevant family members must usually apply for the Hong Kong BN(O) route together, although they may choose to travel to the UK separately. In practice, this means that the main applicant who is a BN(O) status holder should apply first and receive their Unique Applicant Number (UAN) or Global Web Form (GWF) reference. Any dependants applying will need to quote this UAN or GWF in their applications. You should check whether dependants have applied within 48 hours of the main applicant unless the concession below applies.
It is permissible for the BN(O) status holder’s spouse or partner and dependent child under 18 to apply for the Hong Kong BN(O) route separately from the lead applicant. For example, this includes any children born whilst their parents are on the BN(O) route; you should grant them permission on the route in line with that of their parents’. Additionally, if a BN(O) status holder meets a new partner after a grant of permission on the BN(O) route, their partner would be able to come to the UK, providing they otherwise meet the requirements for a dependant partner on the route. Some applicants may have staggered their applications so that one parent moves to the UK first to arrange affairs before the other parent and children join them; this would also be permissible under this concession.
However, if a BN(O) status holder is granted entry clearance or permission to stay and a BN(O) Household Member or BN(O) adult dependent relative makes a subsequent application, you should refuse the application.
For a grant of settlement on the Hong Kong BN(O) route, a BN(O) household child must be being granted at the same time as their BN(O) status holder parent, and/or their other parent who is already settled or a British citizen. A BN(O) adult dependent relative must also be applying for settlement at the same time as the BN(O) status holder or the partner of a BN(O) status holder, or who is already settled or a British citizen.
If the BN(O) status holder and their dependent BN(O) household child or BN(O) adult dependant relative travelled to the UK separately, the continuous residence requirement for settlement may mean that these dependants may have to apply for further permission to stay beyond 5 years if the BN(O) status holder has not yet fulfilled the continuous residence requirement.