▲英國最強老爸 Simon Hooper戳破大家對於養小孩的美好想像,貼出他在家照顧四個女兒,身兼各職的照片,引起網友熱議。| Simon Hooper, renowned blogger and father of four daughters in the UK, broke everyone’s imagination about raising children by posting photos of him taking care of his daughters at home and doing various jobs. (Courtesy of @father_of_daughters/Instagram)

【看CP學英文】現代父母時常在社群網站上大曬親子照,讓不少沒有小孩的人看了都心生羨慕。英國最強老爸 Simon Hooper戳破大家對於養小孩的美好想像,貼出在家照顧四個女兒,身兼各職的照片,引起網友熱議。 

Parents often show off their baby children on social media, making many people without children crave to have one.  

Simon Hooper, a renowned blogger and father of four daughters in the UK, has broken everyone’s imagination about raising children by posting cute photos of himself taking care of his daughters at home.  

A series of pictures has drawn much praise from other social media users. 

▲英國最強老爸 Simon Hooper戳破大家對於養小孩的美好想像,貼出他在家照顧四個女兒,身兼各職的照片,引起網友熱議。| Simon Hooper, renowned blogger and father of four daughters in the UK, broke everyone’s imagination about raising children by posting photos of him taking care of his daughters at home and doing various jobs. (Courtesy of @father_of_daughters/Instagram)

Simon Hooper自稱「女兒的爸」,與老婆Clemmie育有四個可愛女兒,大女兒已經13歲、老二10歲、一對雙胞胎目前已經5歲。 

Simon Hooper, who calls himself “the father of daughters,” and his wife Clemmie have four lovely daughters, the eldest is thirteen years old, the second is ten years old, and their pair of twins are 5.

▲爸爸為女兒上性教育課程 | The father has to teach sex education to her daughters. (Courtesy of @father_of_daughters/Instagram)


As the only man in the family, he has to take on several jobs, and he opens up about how he takes care of the four children. 

In addition to teaching sex education to his daughters, he has to learn how to sleep on the edge of the bed without falling off and carries the adorable twins one at a time.

▲Hooper出門時還要一次打包那對可愛雙胞胎娃兒。| Hooper carries the adorable twins one at a time. (Courtesy of @father_of_daughters/Instagram)


He was also used as a human toy by his daughters, with two daughters each holding a leg so that he could not move.  

Hooper even performs stunts! 

▲他還必須被女兒當人體玩具,兩個女兒一人抱著一隻腿讓他動彈不得,甚至還要會表演特技! | He must also be used as a human toy by his daughters, with two daughters each holding a leg so that he can not move.   (Courtesy of @father_of_daughters/Instagram)
▲Hooper 與大女兒和二女兒合影 (Courtesy of @father_of_daughters/Instagram)


The twins will also play with their dad’s credit cards, cell phone, and keys, and they will play with their dad’s face too.  

▲雙胞胎北鼻還會把老爸的信用卡、手機、鑰匙當玩具,玩膩了就把腦筋動到老爸的臉上了。| The twins will also play with their dad’s credit cards, cell phone, and keys, and they will play with their dad’s face. (Courtesy of @father_of_daughters/Instagram)
▲英國最強老爸 Simon Hooper戳破大家對於養小孩的美好想像 | Hooper broke everyone’s imagination about raising children by posting photos of his daughters at home. (Courtesy of @father_of_daughters/Instagram)
▲Hooper與四個女兒逛大賣場 | Hooper is pictured with four daughters in a mall. (Courtesy of @father_of_daughters/Instagram)

原文自《The China Post》

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作者: HK in UK